Google's 9th Anniversary Review: The No.1 Online Search Marketing Giant's Rise... & Rise!
Thursday, September 27, 2007 marked the 9th anniversary of the Search Marketing and Internet advertising giant, Google, Inc. Many online and offline entrepreneurs are indebted to Google for the publicity and incomes generated for them via the use of Google Adwords, Google AdSense and the ability of their Web sites and/or niche business marketing blogs to appear in Google's organic search engine result pages (SERPs) and generate targeted Web traffic. On the other hand, some people 'do NOT like' Google because of the RAGE and perceptions surrounding the issues of "duplicate content penalties," "Google PageRanks" and the "Supplemental Index" (the so-called Google Hell) - where many blogs and Web sites are currently "cooling off" until they are able to generate enough useful content (relevance) and higher PageRanks, etc., to get them into the main web index - and then into the top 10 to 20 search result pages.
Aside from the co-founders of Google, Matt Cutts - Google's Chief Search Engineer is one of the most influential employees of Google - who some people "love and resent" (... what a mixture of emotions) at the same time - (this is based on the online forum discussions that I've read - even on Matt Cutts' blog, where some Google users think Google has been "rigging or gaming" the algorithms/search rankings in its favour).
In any case, Google's services such as the famous has enabled hundreds of thousands of bloggers to create and write their own online blog diaries, provide information technology training and/or Internet marketing and small business consulting services, post niche marketplace articles, blog news updates, free interactive blog online video clips, share hobbies - and even start profitable niche affiliate blog businesses, to easily make extra money online - earning 6-figure annual incomes for those who know the specifics of how to do so!
Google Social Evolution: Deep Foresight, Inner Passion, Future 21st Century Trends
This will enable the business and product development teams of Google to evolve more powerful ways of assisting Internet users and businesses to make better use of interactive Internet video marketing (Google Video/YouTube) and other Web 2.0 social news features - and much more.
Good old Netscape of the 1990s (now called the new Netscape) is already into the user-generated content or social networking business and it would be pretty interesting to see Google partnering with any of the newly rising social networking sites with the use of "innovative search algorithm-based features" - to UNLEASH a Digg-style social buzz - (or should I say - to unleash a 'Google Effect' - in terms of blog or Web traffic - like the Digg, Fark and Slashdot effects). Did YOU just say - "SERVERS offline?!" ;-)
Closing Thoughts
Google is a classic example of how the "New Economy world" has evolved to powerfully complement the "Old Economy world." They have succeeded because the universal business rules of the offline world have been adhered to in the online world, while removing inefficiencies and/or improving areas where they may have faltered. Small to mid-size online business owners, afilliate and Internet marketers/entrepreneurs, information technology practitioners, etc., have to learn from this fact through constant creativity and/or thinking outside the box - so as to easily generate more ways to make money online.
This is wishing YOU - and Google - MANY positive "21st Century Googling Years" AHEAD!
To Your Online SEO/SEM Success! :-)
~ 'Dekunle
Copyright © 2007 Dekunle Adedipe. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Feel free to reprint this article in any form provided the content is intact, the "author's bio" section is included, and only mail to a 100% opt-in list.
The Author's Bio: Dekunle Adedipe is a writer of Web marketing articles and has been a Netpreneur since 2001. Visit his site to learn MORE insider niche Internet business blogging tips that will create UNLIMITED profits for YOU in RECORD TIME!