Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blog Marketing Surge Tactics - Niche Business Blog Marketing Unleashed! Part 2

This is the second and concluding part of my articles
on "Blog Marketing Surge Tactics" that will get an
amateur Blogger up to speed on his/her way to becoming
a top professional Blogger - while making consistent money
online. In part 1, you read and learned about the first
3 Blog Marketing Strategies below.

Blog Marketing Strategy #1: Web Hosting Or Free Blogs?
Blog Marketing Strategy #2: Niche Business Blog Marketing
Blog Marketing Strategy #3: Highly Targeted Blog Traffic

Please join me as I proceed to unveil the 3 remaining
"Blog Marketing Surge Tactics" and strategies - Right NOW! :-)

Blog Marketing Strategy #4: Blog Content Management & Updates

When publishing content online on your blogs, you'll have
to come up with original content - but if your creative juices
are NOT flowing - which happens sometimes or when you
are ill or indisposed, you can make use of ghost writers and
other Internet or blog writers' articles on your blogs - provided
the topics are related to your niche business market and
you leave the content and author's bio section intact. :-)

Much of the information or niche market articles posted on blogs
and Web sites are copyrighted, and if YOU are found scrapping
chunks of information without acknowledging the original
owners - then DON'T be surprised if you get "Cease and Desist"
emails from the original blog writers - and if you do NOT
remove the "offensive" or unacknowledged content, then
your blog service provider(s) will be contacted. This can get
rather nasty because you'll be penalized for "content theft!"
Remember that your blog is an information/niche industry
news related small business blog that should project credibility
in the minds of your readers.

Blog Marketing Strategy #5: Blog Search Engine Optimization

Blog search engine optimization (SEO) tactics will NOT work
if you start your new niche blog marketing quest without a
proper market research. This is the "ultimate kiss of death"
for any niche marketing blog - with the consequent waste of
advertising money (especially if you're working on a limited
budget) and lost time! So, before creating a new blog, you
need to find out if a demand exists for your products and

Use online research tools like Yahoo! (Overture) keyword
selector and Wordtracker which have free and/or paid-for
versions - to find out what people are looking for and
to identify top profitable niches for your blog monetization
tactics. Then use these keywords - especially the "longtail"
ones (over 3 words or phrases) in your articles, titles etc.,
to get the major Search Engines to index and show your
blog entries in the top 10 to 20 search results.

People who make searches online with "specific phrases"
are more ready to BUY than those using more general
searches. Keep working on this aspect till YOU consistently
get into the top 10 organic results for your major keywords!
Your niche blog sites' traffic will consequently rise like the
legendary Phoenix of ancient Egypt - with an amazing
boost in your blog sites' Alexa Rankings and/or Google
PageRankings to 4, 5, 6, 7... or more - with persistence!

Blog Marketing Strategy #6: Blogs & Blatant Pinging

When you plan your blog content management strategies,
it's very important that YOU REALIZE that ignoring very
little but important blog tips can lead to your online
penalization by the blog services. One of such modes of
penalization is the indiscriminate or blatant use of

Pinging the blog services individually or via metapinging
tools (I use Pingomatic to save time) is a legal tactic for
notifying the blog services like Technorati and major Search
Engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo! (they help to quickly
index your blog posts) - when you ONLY UPDATE your blog
content with fresh and unique articles.

Like blog spamming (or splogging), the use of keyword
stuffing and other "Black Hat tactics," blatant pinging
for "boosting your search or PageRankings"
should be
avoided by all niche business bloggers if you want to
have an intact business integrity! It will NOT be nice
for YOU and your Web sites or marketing blogs to get
a thunder-like "Google Slap" via reduced PageRankings
or outright removal from the major Search Engine indices.

On the other hand - in case you inadvertently make a
mistake in your blog SEO strategy - by building backlinks
through banned sources like link farms or other "Black Hat"
SEO tactics and get "slapped" by Google, YOU need to have a
"Plan B" already in place to get your blog or Internet home
based business going strong. I'll be writing more about this
in another article to be posted on my blog soon. :-)

Closing Thoughts:

The "Blog Marketing Surge Tactics" in parts 1 and 2 are
just tips of the iceberg of what I use - and more top niche
business blogging tips exist that you can use. The rules
of the offline "Bricks-and-Mortar" world also apply in the
online "New Economy Web 2.0" world of blog marketing
or small Internet business blogging. A violation of these
business rules is a surefire way of getting "dazed!"

These blogging tactics should be used with consistency
and tact so that YOU also don't get penalized by the
major search engines as a result of "duplicate content"
issues, "keyword stuffing" (excessive use of keywords)
or blatant pinging (or metapinging).

So, as a beginner, intermediate or experienced niche blog
marketer, affiliate marketer, Information technology (IT)
expert, Internet Web or blog site designer, or professional in
other fields of online niche business markets - YOU have to
constantly REMEMBER the blog traffic variant of my "Web
Traffic Secret Formula" which you read about in Part 1
of this article series:

==> "Blog Traffic Secret Formula":

"Blog Marketing Confluence of Events + Business Cycles =
Avalanche of Targeted Blog Traffic = Money In Your Bank

To Your Blog Marketing, Blog Traffic and Monetization
Success! :-)

Copyright © 2007 Dekunle Adedipe. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Feel free to reprint this article in any form provided the content
is intact, the "author's bio" section is included, and only mail
to a 100% opt-in list.
The Author's Bio:
Dekunle Adedipe is a writer of Web marketing articles and has
been a Netpreneur since 2001. Visit his site to learn MORE insider
niche Internet business blogging tips that will create UNLIMITED
profits for YOU in RECORD TIME!