2001 was the year that I started my forays on the Internet as a Netpreneur. That year, so many things happened that served as benchmarks in our personal existence.
Three days ago was September 11 - the 6th anniversary of an event that further shifted the consciousness of mankind to another level. One of my younger brothers was the first to inform me about the unfolding events of that day - September 11, 2001on CNN - and he simply said - "America is under attack."
My positive thoughts go out to the families of the gallant men and women from many nationalities and countries of our planet who passed on to higher spiritual activity in the United States 6 years ago.
We remember watching those attacks - live on CNN and other major News Networks from multiple locations across the globe - and we - the good people of our planet were all united in our thoughts - positive UNBENDING thoughts that have keep us from wavering or faltering while working for the GOOD of ALL. We have to continue to develop and sustain our positive UNBENDING thoughts while working for the good of all throughout subsequent anniversaries of the September 11 events in the years ahead.
We may not have absolute peace on the face of our planet because of the duality of human nature (i.e., the tendency of some people to grab what does NOT belong to them or to get into other people's personal spaces) and other variables - BUT we can individually strive or work towards developing INNER PEACE - PEACE WITHIN us here on Earth - thru having self-respect or LOVING ourselves so that we can extend LOVE to others - by appreciating their individual uniqueness and respecting their space. Let's all take ACTION - NOW and down the road!
~ Dekunle
Photo Courtesy of Freedom’s Flame Memorial Foundation
Copyright © 2007 Dekunle Adedipe. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Copyright © 2007 Dekunle Adedipe. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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The author's bio: Dekunle Adedipe is a writer of Web marketing articles and has been a Netpreneur since 2001. Visit his site to learn MORE top insider niche Internet business blogging tips that will create UNLIMITED profits for YOU in RECORD TIME!