Friday, September 14, 2007

Read This Intro Message: Welcome To The Affiliate Cash Secrets & Niches Marketing Blog!

OK, here we go...

You Are Welcome To The Affiliate Cash Secrets & Niches Marketing Blog! :-)

This blog was launched as a content-based site and Internet business resource base on profitable niche affiliate and Internet marketing related issues for beginner, intermediate - and experienced entrepreneurs and bloggers who want to make money on the Internet by using the best Internet home based business marketing strategies - and to reveal the SIMPLE but often OVERLOOKED insider tactics YOU can use to literally create a consistent AVALANCHE of highly-targeted Web traffic and pre-qualified prospects to your niche business blogs/Web sites - and have a SURGE of REAL money - flooding your bank accounts! :-)

As an Internet entrepreneur since 2001 and a writer of Web marketing articles you can use, my online entrepreneurial experiences will be used to unleash enough HIGH-IMPACT information about the exciting field of top affiliate marketing and specific Internet business niches to create an UNLIMITED income for yourself - just like the super affiliates are currently and quietly doing right now via their high-speed computers or laptops - to earn $10,000 per month and more - (or 6-figure annual incomes).

"The Power Of Inner Passion, Patience And Persistence!"

When I first started my Internet marketing forays - I went through some online and offline challenges just like beginner and intermediate Internet marketers who initially violated the universal Internet marketing and advertising principles. Going through my challenging learning cycle - with those "punishing lessons," I was able to realize the power of inner passion, patience and persistence!

I must emphasize here that one major KEY to success in online entrepreneurship is to be "intensely passionate" about your niche market - if you are a niche business blogger - you need to have what I refer to as "blog marketing passion." (A significant number of people can make money online if THEY just learn to change their "brain chemistries" or "re-evaluate their thinking" and do something different than the rest of the herd - i.e., do away with the herd instinct - and half-heartedly executed online marketing tactics and strategies).

YOU also need to LOVE yourself - because if you don't, YOU CANNOT love someone else. Now, what has loving YOURSELF got to do with online marketing? Very simple FACT - but often overlooked! In online marketing, loving and having self-respect and a high self-esteem in yourself will enable you to cultivate the habit of SHARING with your target niche clients or audience - and also have the ability to RECEIVE and show gratitude for what you already have. It's all part of the long-term online marketing mix that I've observed through careful self-evaluation (i.e., strengths and weaknesses - likes and dislikes) and studying the lifestyles of successful online and offline entrepreneurs!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Just For The Record

It is necessary to keep YOUR day job or full-time job while trying to make money online through blogging or other online marketing strategies until you're able to make your FIRST $1000 - and then keep it up till you hit the $10000 Super Affiliate Marketing mark. Having or making a "focused list" on paper of multiple streams of income in your niche market is also important on your way to making your first $1000 monthly income online. Online marketing and/or blogging should be used as lead generation tools - and NOT just to make a QUICK BUCK within 24 hours!

Last but not least, I'd like to show YOU these PROVEN statistics that will give you a CRYSTAL CLEAR picture of why MOST affiliate marketers and Internet marketers worldwide have found it "difficult" to succeed after joining some top affiliate Internet business programs or opportunities. So, lets get started - Right NOW! :-)

Affiliate Fact #1: ONLY 5 % Of Affiliate Marketers Are Making Consistent Incomes Online
From marketing statistics, ONLY 5% of affiliate marketers are making consistent incomes. If YOU have been struggling to make it as one of the 95% that have NOT been able to MAXIMIZE their income-generating potentials - then my blog postings and online marketing articles will put you on the FAST TRACK to consistently creating UNLIMITED incomes just like the super affiliates! :-)

Affiliate Fact #2: ONLY 3% Of Affiliate Marketers Have Opt-in Mailing Lists
Proven statistics also show that 97% of affiliate marketers (for instance, Amazon has over 400,000) have NOT been able to maximize the FULL benefits of email marketing and advertising. To be among the TOP 3% of affiliate marketers who are silently CREATING UNLIMITED INCOMES for themselves, you have to build your squeezepages or opt-in lists of clients and potential clients by offering something of perceived high value - like downloadable free rebrandable multimedia eBooks, bi-weekly and/or weekly newsletters (eZines) - and much more.

Please remember to bookmark this blog site and keep coming back for more updated - unique content you can use.

You're Welcome Aboard Again! :-)

To Your Profitable Niche Affiliate & Internet Marketing Success!

~ 'Dekunle - Affiliate Cash Secrets & Niches Marketing Blog
Copyright © 2007 Dekunle Adedipe. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Feel free to reprint this article in any form provided the content is intact, the "author's bio" section is included, and only mail to a 100% opt-in list.
The Author's Bio: Dekunle Adedipe is a writer of Web marketing articles and has been a Netpreneur since 2001. Visit his site to learn MORE insider niche Internet business blogging tips that will create UNLIMITED profits for YOU in RECORD TIME! P.S. For a LIMITED TIME, YOU can DOWNLOAD the Automatic Money Machines and FREE Traffic Secrets Reports ($27 Value!) NOW! ==>